Highlands NJ - Raritan Bay Sandy Hook Spring Striper Fishing Starts Early April.
We begin the early season chumming with clam belly to create a slick by breaking clam shells overboard and attracting the Bass to move in for bites. The bass at first are not in a feeding frenzy, so you have to attract them .
It isn't until the Bunker move in the areas that make them go crazy for prey. That's when the bass become very active and chase the bunker. That's when we start live lining the bunker for those big trophy Striped Bass, this bite will continue to be hot until late June. That's when the water becomes warmer and the bass start to move for the migration. But then return for the fall run and that's when we continue to chase the bass with several methods like: live lining eels, using sand warms, casting some shads rigs, trolling umbrella rigs and jigging which become very effective in the fall.